Inuyasha Sesshomaru And Rin Relationship | Slide Mouse

Sesshomaru loath to follow naraku s plan let the boy go.
Inuyasha sesshomaru and rin relationship. Some fans perceived this as nothing more than a plot to humanize sesshomaru while others were concerned that they were setting up for an eventual ship for him because he could live long enough to watch her grow up. If u watch the tv series or read the manga you will know that sesshomaru hates humans and yet he likes rin. If this is true then maybe sesshomaru s changed towards rin after she grows up more and seeing her after she stayed with kaede. Kohaku is then taken by kagura while rin rejoins sesshomaru.
Sesshomaru is not just a father figure to rin i think someday when rin is a grown up lady he will marry her because in the first place sesshomaru hates human but rin is the only human he really treasure. Rin woke up in time to see kohaku escape with kagura. I think it is simply because rin is so determined to be apart of his life that he allows. Rin is kept in a nearby house but she and kohaku gets outside at naraku s command.
Kohaku resist his orders long enough for sesshomaru and inuyasha to intervene. Not only do those fans see them as what americans call it a canon couple but they are well aware of poly amorous relationships widely accepted back in that time and era. In this situation the only problem left is age. There s an audio record about sesshomaru s proposal to rin.
However due to the inuyasha sequel and his half demon daughters there are speculations that sesshomaru actually married rin since she was the only human girl in his life.